AI Engineer : Get your AI models up and running faster

AI Engineer : Get your AI models up and running faster

Discover Saagie and see how our Data Lab can help you get the most out of your data. Our platform makes it easy and effective to operationalize and deploy your models.

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technologies catalogue

AI Data Lab at your fingertips

Explore our all-in-one platform designed for AI Engineers – This platform offers a comprehensive set of tools and features to simplify and accelerate every step of the AI model lifecycle.

Access to a true AI Data Lab. Here, you will be able to test and experiment with over 50 commercial and open-source cloud technologies and libraries.

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Master your AI models

Saagie lets you use the tools you know and love, such as Hugging Face for accessing pre-trained models, and MLflow for managing the lifecycle of your models (MLflow Cycle Life Management).

Use advanced DataOps pipeline features to optimize the construction of your models and AI projects.

You can also automate repetitive tasks, make your ideas evolve faster, and get your models into production more quickly.

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Operationalize your data projects

Take advantage of Saagie’s flexibility. Host and deploy your AI solutions on a private or public cloud, depending on your needs and preferences.

Saagie adapts to your existing infrastructure and makes it simple to deploy your models through API endpoints.

With Saagie, you can easily explore, develop, deploy, and operationalize your models.

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