Data Orchestration : Simplify your processes with Saagie

Data Orchestration : Simplify your processes with Saagie

Take advantage of the best collaborative DataOps & AIOps platform to build , run and manage. Gain increased control over underlying cloud resources with this amazing platform.

Take advantage of the best collaborative DataOps & AIOps platform to build, run and manage. Gain increased control over underlying cloud resources with this amazing platform.

Data orchestration piepline
Data orchestration piepline

Saagie is recognized as a global leader in DataOps by Gartner.

Build agilely:

exemple produit

Orchestration of Data & AI pipelines

Get the most out of your data and AI pipelines with our integrated orchestration solution! Simplify the development, execution, and monitoring process for maximum efficiency.

Get the most out of your data and AI pipelines with our integrated orchestration solution! Simplify the development, execution, and monitoring process for maximum efficiency.

exemple produit

Advanced multibranch pipelines

Our advanced multi branch management feature makes it easy to navigate complex pipelines. It helps you optimize your project workflow by identifying and managing different branches.

Our advanced multi branch management feature makes it easy to navigate complex pipelines. It helps you optimize your project workflow by identifying and managing different branches.

complexe pipeline
illustration techno

Open source & commercial technologies

Enjoy seamless integration with a wide range of technologies, whether open source or commercial. Access a range of flexible solutions to meet all your pipeline development needs.

Enjoy seamless integration with a wide range of technologies, whether open source or commercial. Access a range of flexible solutions to meet all your pipeline development needs.

Saagie SDK for custom technologies

Take control of your experience with our Saagie SDK! Designed to easily integrate custom technologies into your environment, it’s the perfect way to unleash the power of bespoke solutions while enjoying the efficiency of our platform.

Take control of your experience with our Saagie SDK! Designed to easily integrate custom technologies into your environment, it’s the perfect way to unleash the power of bespoke solutions while enjoying the efficiency of our platform.

saagie sdk
saagie sdk

Run consisently:

listes projets

Collaborative Data or AI projects

Work together on your data and AI projects with our easy-to-use collaborative platform. Get everyone on the same page, share resources, and achieve goals together.

Work together on your data and AI projects with our easy-to-use collaborative platform. Get everyone on the same page, share resources, and achieve goals together.

Detailed pipeline execution history

Track every step of your pipelines with detailed execution history and watch your workflows improve! Quickly identify issues and analyze performance to make continual improvements.

Track every step of your pipelines with detailed execution history and watch your workflows improve! Quickly identify issues and analyze performance to make continual improvements.

Pipeline instances
CICD illustrations

Source code integration with CI/CD tools

Automate your development and deployment process with ease integrating source code with CI/CD tools. Make sure your pipelines run smoothly and efficiently at every stage.

Automate your development and deployment process by easily integrating source code with CI/CD tools. Ensure your pipelines run smoothly and efficiently at every stage.

Observability of cloud resources used

Maintain control over your cloud resources by seamlessly monitoring their usage. Optimize your costs, ensure resource availability, and maximize the efficiency of your cloud infrastructure.

Maintain control over your cloud resources by seamlessly monitoring their usage. Optimize your costs, ensure resource availability, and maximize the efficiency of your cloud infrastructure.

monitoring observability
monitoring observability

Manage accurately:

Pipeline versions

Versioning and roll-back on jobs and pipelines

Easily manage versions of your jobs and pipelines with versioning and roll-back features. Roll back to a previous version if needed and keep control over your developments.

Easily manage versions of your jobs and pipelines with versioning and roll-back features. Roll back to a previous version if needed and keep control over your developments.

Pipeline versions

Simplified debugging with centralized logs

Get to the heart of any issues with centralized logs in no time! Make the debugging process a breeze by easily accessing all the information you need to diagnose errors.

Get to the heart of any issues with centralized logs in no time! Make the debugging process a breeze by easily accessing all the information you need to diagnose errors.

Data Orchestration- Debugging
Data Orchestration- Limite et ressources garanties pour job

Limits and guaranteed resources for deployed jobs

Make sure your jobs run smoothly by setting limits and guaranteed resources. This way, you can avoid conflicts and interruptions by allocating each job the resources it needs.

Make sure your jobs run smoothly by setting limits and guaranteed resources. This way, you can avoid conflicts and interruptions by allocating each job the resources it needs.

Isolation and security of projects

Keep your projects safe and sound with our advanced isolation and security features! Make sure that each project operates in a secure environment, protected from unauthorized access.

Keep your projects safe and sound with our advanced isolation and security features! Make sure that each project operates in a secure environment, protected from unauthorized access.

illustration projets utilisateur saagie
illustration projets utilisateur saagie