Open Source Analytics Maximize your insights with Saagie

Open Source Analytics : Maximize your insights with Saagie

Take advantage of a collaborative data analysis platform to visualize and explore data, identify and generate relevant insights, and decide on future actions to take.

Take advantage of a collaborative data analysis platform to visualize and explore data, indentify and generate relevant insights, and decide on future actions to take.

Open source insights
Open source insights

Explore with freedom:

Saagie screen accueil

All types of data, wherever they are

Explore the data universe to your heart’s content with Saagie. Our platform allows you to access all your data sources, whether on-premise, in the cloud, or on the web, for comprehensive and reliable analyses.

Explore the data universe to your heart’s content with Saagie. Our platform allows you to access all your data sources, whether on-premise, in the cloud, or on the web, for comprehensive and reliable analyses.

Saagie screen accueil

Interactive filters & drill-downs

Refine your analyses with interactive filters and deep navigation. Explore your data in a dynamic way and discover precise insights with just a few clicks.

Refine your analyses with interactive filters and deep navigation. Explore your data in a dynamic way and discover precise insights with just a few clicks.

Filtre et drills downs interractif
Analyse cartographique

Cartographic analyses

Get a clear picture of your data with dynamic cartographic analyses. These amazing tools will help you gain a clearer and more precise understanding of geographic trends.

Get a clear picture of your data with dynamic cartographic analyses. These amazing tools will help you gain a clearer and more precise understanding of geographic trends.

Collaborative dashboards

Collaborate in real-time on interactive dashboards to share insights and make data-driven decisions in a transparent way.

Collaborate in real-time on interactive dashboards to share insights and make data-driven decisions in a transparent way.

dashborad interractif
dashborad interractif

Identify with precision :

Open Source Analytics-_ Tendance et Forecast v1

Trends and forecasts

Discover future trends and anticipate the future with our advanced trend and forecast features.

Discover future trends and anticipate the future with our advanced trend and forecast features.

Correlation Analysis

Identify subtle relationships between your data with our in-depth correlation analyses. Explore hidden links and better understand the factors influencing your results for more informed decision-making.

Identify subtle relationships between your data with our in-depth correlation analyses. Explore hidden links and better understand the factors influencing your results for more informed decision-making.

Open Source Analytics-_ étude de corrélation
Open Source Analytics- Valeurs aberrantes

Spot Ouliers

Keep an eye out for any potential anomalies that could affect the quality of your analyses and take proactive measures to maintain your data integrity.

Keep an eye out for any potential anomalies that could affect the quality of your analyses and take proactive measures to maintain your data integrity.

Anomaly Detection

Receive alerts about unusual behaviors and take swift action to address potential issues before they impact your operations.

Receive alerts about unusual behaviors and take swift action to address potential issues before they impact your operations.

Open Source Analytics- Détection anomalies
Open Source Analytics- Détection anomalies

Decide strategically:

strat data driven

Data-Driven Strategies

Take a data-driven approach to guide your business strategies. Use our tools and analyses to turn your data into relevant insights and make more informed decisions.

Take a data-driven approach to guide your business strategies. Use our tools and analyses to turn your data into relevant insights and make more informed decisions.

strat data driven

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Enhance the customer experience by better understanding their needs and preferences through our in-depth analyses. Identify trends and patterns to offer more tailored products and services, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

Enhance the customer experience by better understanding their needs and preferences through our in-depth analyses. Identify trends and patterns to offer more tailored products and services, resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

Open Source Analytics-_ Meilleur satisfaction Client

Performance Evaluation

Take a step back and look at your company’s performance with our custom indicators and dashboards. Track key metrics, identify areas for improvement, and take action to make your operations more efficient.

Take a step back and look at your company’s performance with our custom indicators and dashboards. Track key metrics, identify areas for improvement, and take action to make your operations more efficient.

Risk Reduction

Anticipate and minimize risks through our advanced data analyses. Identify risk factors and take preventive measures to protect your business.

Anticipate and minimize risks through our advanced data analyses. Identify risk factors and take preventive measures to protect your business.

Open Source Analytics-_ Réduction des risques
Open Source Analytics-_ Réduction des risques