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Learn from our customers' expériences

Find out how our customers have overcome their challenges and optimized their businesses with Saagie.
Explore our case studies to understand how our expertise has transformed various industries and stimulated our partners' growth.

Launch your first data & AI projects with Saagie

From goal definition to implementation, we help you turn your ideas into reality and your data into effective action.

ACOME cas client

Acome: a Data Factory to optimize industrial processes

ACOME cas client

Acome was faced with the need to accelerate its industrial processes in order to respond more quickly to market needs. The company faced several challenges:

Find out how Acome revolutionized its decision-making management by providing its teams with a decision-support application thanks to the Saagie Data Factory!

Murata: a Data Factory to create a new industrial process

MURATA cas client

Following an internal analysis, Murata identified the need to implement a new production process to meet a business requirement.

The company faced several challenges:

Find out how Saagie’s Data Factory was used to meet Murata’s business requirements.

Thanks to the technological expertise of the various teams and the joint work between Saagie and Murata, Murata’s industrial metrology process was created.

MURATA cas client

Centralize your teams on a single tool: Saagie

Immerse yourself in a world where collaboration and efficiency are the watchwords for accelerating your data projects.

Vallourec: A data platform to meet the changing challenges impacting its markets with Saagie

To meet the transformation challenges impacting its markets, the company wanted to develop a portfolio of digital services while improving its operational efficiency worldwide.

Vallourec had identified three main challenges:

Find out how Vallourec adopted Saagie’s Data Factory to support its group-wide digital transformation!

CSTB: a data platform for processing business data

CSTB cas client

Following an internal study, CSTB identified the need to build a data platform on which to process its business data.

It faced several challenges:

Find out how Saagie is accelerating CSTB’s digital transformation with its Data Factory, facilitating the work of the group’s teams!

CSTB cas client
BUT cas client

GOAL: Analyze your KPIs with Saagie

BUT cas client

To make better use of its data portfolio, But wanted innovative tools that would enable it to analyze its sales indicators in greater depth.

The group faced several challenges:

Find out how But integrated Saagie’s DataOps Platform to meet its needs for analyzing sales performance indicators.

Exploit your insights and become data-driven with Saagie

Explore how Saagie is propelling companies towards a data-driven culture, transforming the way they work and innovate.

MATMUT cas client

Matmut: a step towards digitalization with Saagie

MATMUT cas client

To meet the growing need for digitalization in the insurance sector, Matmut wanted a solution for developing a wide range of data products.

They faced several challenges:

Discover how Saagie’s DataOps Platform has become the central element of Matmut’s data strategy, enabling the development and production deployment of all its use cases!

Caisse d'Epargne Normandie: Injecting data into decision-making processes

CEN cas client

To remain competitive, the Caisse d’Epargne Normandie wanted to inject data into all its decision-making processes.

It faced several challenges:

Find out how Saagie supported Caisse d’Epargne Normandie by offering its Data Factory to bring its initiatives to production.

CEN cas client
Bouygues DTP minig cas client

Bouygues DTP Mining: modernizing maintenance processes with Saagie

Bouygues DTP minig cas client

Bouygues DTP Mining wanted to modernize its maintenance processes for mining vehicles operating in Africa.

The group faced several challenges:

Find out how Bouygues DTP Mining implemented Saagie’s DataOps Platform to improve the efficiency of its maintenance data analysis processes.

BVA Group: a data platform for data analysis

BVA cas client

Heavily dependent on data analysis to advise its customers, Groupe BVA needed a centralized data platform on which to rely. The company faced several challenges:

Find out why BVA Group has selected Saagie and its Data Factory as the keystone for its behavioral data analysis offerings!

BVA cas client
AG2R cas client

AG2R: a Data Factory for Machine Learning needs

AG2R cas client

The group wanted to develop new projects based on Machine Learning, but faced several challenges

Find out how Saagie implemented a scoring model based on Machine Learning to meet the company’s needs!