How to Deploy a Machine Learning Model?

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This article invites you on a short tour of how to go from exploration to production when working with Machine Learning models. What are the major stages of ML models life cycle? In the last part of the article, we will show an example of architecture based on Docker compose and hosted in the cloud to deploy your […]

Agile Data Science: the Way to Meet Business Success!

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Applying methods from Agile software development to Data Science projects, is it only possible? This is a question we want to explore in this article. To set the scene, let’s consider the following cartoon as an example: In this typical situation, the Data Scientist is excited and focused on improving the predictive power of his models while the […]

How to Bring DevOps Practices into Your Data Science Project ?

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Still struggling to make your Big Data / AI project happen? Here is our last piece of advice on the matter, but don’t hesitate to check out our previous articles about the Data Lab and its organisation, the business vision, the POC, the traps and the Data Fabric. Now, let’s find out about the DevOps […]

How to Grow a Culture of Code Quality?

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Code is everywhere ; in IT and operational technology, and nowadays in all digital interactions ; code powers all routines of our lives, from the tiniest to the biggest. Trusting our lives to code brings forward new challenges, in particular reliability and transparency. Producing code that is robust and easy to maintain is first and […]

Why is Business Vision Critical to your Data Project Success?

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We talked a lot about technology in the Data Lab and the POC articles, let’s talk about people. When we think about Big Data and artificial intelligence, we think about a data team with a Data Scientist, a Data Engineer, a Data Steward… But let us not forget about Marketing or R&D profiles as the business vision needs to lie at the heart of […]

How does a POC Work in a Data Science Project?

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Do you still need advice to make your Big Data/AI project a success ? You’ve come to the right place. We talked about the critical steps to build a Data Lab, now is the time to explain how the POC (Proof Of Concept) is going to go. What is a POC (Proof of Concept)? A POC is, […]

Everything you need to know about the Data Lab

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It’s time to bring value to your data! That’s why we’ve decided to help you doing it!  What is a Data Lab? Let’s get to the heart of the matter: as its name suggests, the Data Lab is a true data laboratory. Why is it a data lab? Because it is a space exclusively dedicated […]

What is Data Visualization? (Including 6 of the Best Tools)

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This article will explain what is Data Visualization as well as a selection of 6 tools we trust in order to make your own data rocks! Humankind has produced as much information in two days that it had done in two million years. This phenomenon, resulting from the convergence of digital technologies and telecommunication networks, […]

How to Extract Data From a Document?

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Truth is, we’re not good enough yet. All documents are not standardized and we lose such a great amount of time reading them, finding informations we need and putting those into our databases : bills, legal papers, ID cards… Extract data from a document isn’t as simple as it seems. If the documents, from one […]

What is Data Governance?

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Every year, the amount of data we produce is growing exponentially. In 2015 alone, Gartner estimated 8 zettabytes of data worldwide, 4 time what was produced in 2011. Meanwhile IDC predicts this number will be as high as 35 zettabytes in 2020 ! The stakes are high with Big data: churn rate, predictive maintenance, market segmentation and so […]